種植要點:中等到較強的光照,但避免直接日照。最適宜溫度是17-25攝氏度。一般7-10天澆一次水。當表面1-2英吋土壤還濕潤的時候不要澆水。當蘭花完成第一次開花之後減去1英吋可促使第二次開花。如果6-8星期之內沒有開花,可把整個花枝剪掉,并把蘭花放在向南的窗戶旁。用20-20-20肥料施肥,2-3星期一次。 Flower colors: Golden yellow, pink, hot pink, purple, white, etc
Care: Medium to bright light is preferred, avoid direct sunlight. Optimal temperatures are between 17-25C. Water every 7-10 days in general. Do not water when the top 1-2 inches of the growing media is wet. Once your orchid has finished blooming, cut one inch below the first bloom. If no new branch emerge in 6-8 weeks, cut the flower stem all the way back and place it near a south window. Start feeding your orchid with 20-20-20 fertilizer every 2-3 weeks.